Sunday, March 31, 2019

Room on the yoga floor

Sundays I like attending a morning yoga class at the gym. But timing with a baby can be challenging. Today I was late. And the class was full. I stood in the entryway hoping to find a place for my yoga mat. But none stood out. Until one kind lady stood, moved her mat to the left, and motioned for me to come. She created space. The person to her right also shifted. And suddenly I was in. No longer in the entry way. In the class.

Sometimes we are the ones with a place already on the floor. Our water perfectly arranged. Block set out. In child’s pose. In those moments of belonging, may we remember to look for those in the entry way who need our encouragement. Who need to know there is space for them to join the practice.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Hello. Goodbye. Hello

A few weeks ago, I didn’t know how to stay home with my baby girl. Now, I don’t know how to leave her. Tomorrow I return to work, and it will be the most amount of time I’ve spent apart from her.

I’m not sure how to be a working mom. How to walk away from her smiles and arms. How to pump in a little room instead of feeding her and hearing her happy sounds.

But it helps (a little) to remember that a few months ago I didn’t know how to be a mom at all. And though I still have lots to learn, I’m learning. She’s helping. So are you, friends.

So baby girl, even though I have to leave for a time tomorrow, we will be okay. I’ll come back. Daddy will take good care of you.

This coming and going is a part of life. It is hard when the space inbetween coming and going is longer than desired. But the best part about goodbye is hello again.

Hello. Goodbye. Hello. And may God bless all the spaces and places around and between those words.