Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Never alone

This is a picture from our summer trip to Vancouver. We had a great time experiencing nature in such an incredible environment. The verse is a great reminder that God is always with us, no matter if we journey through rivers or meadows.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

TIme travel

Tonight we magically gain an hour! Though I am less than thrilled with the darker evenings, I am looking forward to a longer weekend.

If I determined to be responsible there are many things I could do with this extra hour:
  • Exercise
  • Write
  • Finally organize my pile of mail/coupons/random paperwork I'm not ready to throw away
  • Clean my tile floors
Of course, I could do these things within a regular day also. I could also enjoy shopping and this entertaining anime that my husband and I found on Netflix.

Here's to a productive and enjoyable time traveling weekend!