Sunday, January 19, 2020

Choose your practice

One of the things that I love about yoga is the ability to choose your own practice.

Many forms of exercise require pushing yourself, stretching your limits, going above and beyond.

Yoga takes a different approach, instead inviting you to honor your body, to pay attention to how you feel today, and what kind of movement would benefit you in that moment.

Perhaps today is the day you want to deepen your stretch, to attempt a handstand, to hold plank for thirty seconds.  Or perhaps today you need to take a longer child's pose, to move out of downward dog before the class, or stretch less on your right side than your left.

It's all allowed. You choose your practice.

And the instructor doesn't say a word.

While some people may prefer being pushed, and appreciate an instructor who will challenge them to work harder, reach further. Others prefer to be treated as someone who know already knows their limits and their intentions.

Maybe that makes it easier to come to the mat.  Because you can tell the truth with who you are, and who you hope to be.  You can leave your practice a little calmer, a little lighter, and with a stronger core.

So here's to choosing our practice.  May we be willing to know where we are, and hopeful to move with intention to where we wish to be.

Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

When does it get easier?

As a new mom, I often wondered, when will it get easier?  Translation:  When will life feel a little more like it did before this wonderful little person entered our world?

I found it was a journey- one we are still on of course.  But I thought I would share a few of our milestones as reflection on our Year One story and also an encouragement to other new moms walking this same beautiful sleepy road.

  • When your hormones even out- for me around 6-8 weeks.
  • When your baby starts to smile (around 5 weeks) and coo!!! (around 10 weeks)
  • When you can carry your baby on your hip.  (I don't remember this timeline...but after they can hold their head up.)
  • When you can set them on a blanket for 5 minutes while you make coffee and they are entertained by a book or toy.
  • When their personality shines through and you realize they are a little person!
  • When they can eat puffs and Cherrios! (8 months) This makes going out to eat so much better!
  • When they can eat from your plate!  (9-12 months and counting.)
  • When they start talking/pointing and you understand better what interests them and what they want in the moment.  (Around 11-12 months)
  • When they have a schedule- somewhat.  For us this was all over the place for a long time.  I might have tried to have a routine.....but she wanted to eat about every two hours and naps where random. As her daycare provider says "No-one makes Ellarose take a nap!" But sometime around 6-8 months we got a general schedule of naps and feedings and bedtime.  
  • When bedtime is between 7:30 and 8:00.  (Around 10 months.)  This really helps with chores and also time with your spouse!

For other moms- what milestones made life a little easier and more enjoyable with your sweet little ones?

Happy New Year!