Sunday, February 23, 2020

A Glimpse of Love at Seventy

Today I slid into yoga class a few minutes late.  I squeezed my mat next to an elderly couple, who were sitting close together, leaving a bit of extra room.

As the class progressed, I noticed the man was coaching his wife, helping her place her block, explaining some of the moves to her.  She was frail and thin, but trying.

I don't know their story, but it looked to me like a man who is trying to help his wife gain back some of her health and improve her strength.  And if that means he too attends yoga class, then so be it.

Love, I imagine, finds different expressions at seventy than at thirty.

While flowers, and chocolate, and surprise tropical vacations are almost always welcomed.  How much more the every day kindness that we show.

The willingness to help one another accomplish more than we could alone.

Here's to loving well.  Whether it's that first year of marriage where everything is new, after kids when compromise takes on a new meaning, or in the senior years, when love might look like driving your spouse to yoga.

Photo by Valentin Antonucci on Unsplash

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