Sunday, March 29, 2020

Strange Times

We are living in strange times. The parking lot next to my favorite Starbucks is empty. Even the drive through is closed. The news is packed with details on a virus that just a few months ago, was unnamed. In our news feed we see statistics, grim updates on the progression of the virus, and reminder after creative reminder to wash our hands.

And yet, despite the seeming end of the world as we know it (or at least it's pause), outside my window a cardinal lands to feed at our feeder. The flowers bloom and grow. The sun rises and sets in a stunning display of color. 

And inside my window, perhaps yours too, life goes on. We rise in the morning. We pull out dishes from the cupboard to feed our families, washing them, returning them, grateful that we have food to eat together. We work, we teach, we learn, we pray, we continue living. And at night we return to our pillows, grateful for the simple rhythms that still exist, hopeful that tomorrow will bring good news. 

We are always living history, but how much more so right now. We have entered another culture-defining-era, and I think it very possible that our nation will emerge, changed. 

How, I’m not sure. I'm not sure what the white papers will say about us in years to come if the world remains that long. How our generation will be shaped, informed by this season, granted wisdom perhaps.

But for now, as we watch, as we read, as we wait, let’s unite in prayer for God’s individual guidance and protection over those we love, and His collective healing of our land.

Photo by Richard Gatley on Unsplash