Wednesday, February 6, 2019


It’s a bright sunny day in Central Florida. Ella and I took a nice walk this morning before her warning sounds begin. We stepped inside the house where her fussing turned to wails.  She had recently eaten.  So...that must mean nap time! I cuddled her. Turned on the white noise. Gave her a paci and watched as she fought sleep. Her little brow furrowed.  Then relaxed. Her face scrunched. Then soothed. Her eyes blinked open and then closed.  And she finally surrendered to sleep.

Surrender can be hard won.  

I wonder how often God has to lull me into surrender. How often He whispers calm into my spirit, soothing my anxious thoughts, gently nudging me toward the still waters where He longs to restore my soul. 

If babies need help relaxing their grip, can I be surprised that adults do too? That years of growth and wisdom teach us much, but at heart we still need our Father to shepherd us. To lead us to green pasture and to guide us safely home.