Friday, July 24, 2015

The End of Days

It is my life that I must own
When I stand before the throne
It’s Jesus blood and His alone
Grants me life, my sins atoned.
Flings wide the gate, and leads me home.

Photo by Carrie Jones

The Price of an Opinion

There is an influential man in my church who has done many good things in his life.  And I believe his work has been greatly used by God in bringing people to Him.

However, recently he took a strong stand on a controversial topic.  And as a result many people that hold the opposing view, can't bear to listen to him.

Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a time to speak and a time to be silent. Only God knows which time this was for him.

But let me offer one word of caution from this observation.

Before speaking strongly on a fiercely debated topic ask yourself the following questions:
  • Will your voice on this subject silence it on all others?
  • If so, is it worth it?
I'm not saying it is not.   Sometimes strong words need to be spoken.  Even if they are not popular.

But I believe there is value in considering the consequences of strong words and remembering the words of Psalms 4:4-5.

"Be angry, and do not sin.  Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still.  Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Love is Kind

Why is it so easy to lose kindness in disagreements?

I have been astounded at the unkind words thrown at each other by Christians over an extremely heated topic in my denomination. 

It's like passion for our position explodes into our conversations and for a moment the gloves come off, we forget who we are, and words far more hurtful than the original topic come pouring out.

Why does this happen?  How many topics really warrant this kind of passion?

Love is patient.  Love is kind.

I believe we need balance between courage and kindness.

Courage to believe truth even when it is unpopular.  Courage to fight for what is right. Coupled with kindness in our fingers, our speech, and most importantly our hearts.

Jesus said, "By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another. "*

May it be so.

*John 13:35