Sunday, February 1, 2015

Fear and a Vacuum Cleaner

Jewel, our 4 year old Green Cheek Conure, hates the vacuum cleaner.    We aren't quite sure why, but it scares her.   She is not especially logical when frightened, often randomly flying around the room in response to a startling noise.

Today as I brought out the vacuum cleaner, she wasn't happy.  I turned it on and something interesting happened as I started on the living room floor.

She flew to my shoulder.

Which means she flew closer to the thing that frightened her.

Which to me means, even though she was scared of the vacuum cleaner, she was more scared to be alone and further away from the noise, then on my shoulder and near the noise.

She trusted me to keep her safe, even if that meant getting closer to her fear. 

I can't help but draw life parallels.

If God ever calls us to do something that scares us, it is wiser for us to approach the fear by his side then to stay on the sidelines.  We can trust Him to take care of us, even in rough or uncharted waters.