For the most part, my husband and I love our little green cheek conure. But on occasion, the emotions we feel towards her aren't quite so positive. Particularly when she uses her voice to squawk loudly or her beak to bite. This morning was one of those loud mornings and we were both getting frustrated.
She wouldn't come to us and she continued to yell and whine from her cage.
Finally I took a little time and was able to coax her onto my fingers. I gave her one of her favorite treats, a seed, and then she sat with me on the couch.
And suddenly she was a different bird.
She snuggled against my hand while I wrote and made little chirping noises instead of loud squawks.
What changed in those moments?
Instead of being alone on her cage, Jewel was with me. And she was happy.
How often does loneliness or feeling left out bring on other emotions of anger or frustration.
I wonder if sometimes annoying people actually need the same thing our bird did. To be included, to be with someone they love, and to no longer feel alone or left out.
Who knew Jewel could be such a good teacher.